Thursday, March 20, 2008

Impact VS. Impress

When I was a young teenager at a Christian Camp the speaker taught this lesson: "Which life are you living? A life to impress others for a moment or a life that impacts others for eternity?"

This question has been brought to my mind a lot lately as I've been forced to face my immortality. A friend of mine died this past week. A time of true sorrow, hurt and then reflection.

His life was full of impact. A group of us were reflecting on how he loved full body impact when he was healthy. And his love of wrestling, whether with the truth of God's word, or with his buddies at bible study. He loved to wrestle and play, but he was also full of spiritual impact. The kind that lasts for eternity.

Matt was only 26. Young, healthy, and full of life. He had been in the Navy and he served our country well. It was during his time serving our country that he found Jesus.

He was on fire; he loved to challenge people in their faith. Matt worked with kids (including my brother) and he loved them, taught them, and when needed, wrestled them. He impacted them. He came to our group and did the same thing- always challenging us in the way we thought about things. Matt was quick with humor and quoting Proverbs 18:6- his "solution" to every problem.

Then seven months ago the diagnosis was cancer. Mouth cancer. A disease that made no sense to a person like Matt. He never smoked, and he wasn't around smoke. Mouth cancer? This cancer was so rare and advanced that it even had the doctors baffled. Why did he have this disease?

As time went on and the pain and disease got worse- Matt and his fire for Jesus got hotter. He thought he was failing. Not doing well enough in this fight for joy, peace and to be an example. He was wrong.

In my life alone, he reminded me of living life to the fullest, of obeying God immediately- even when nothing makes sense, and prayer- he reminded, taught and showed me how important prayer is. These are life changing, huge lessons to be taught. He impacted my life for eternity.

The crazy part is, he probably never even had a clue. The Holy Spirit was working overtime in a willing vessel. Matt was sick, but he had a huge desire to show Christ off, to witness to those around him and to love Christ more. A beautiful combination to impact hundreds- if not thousands for eternity.

I've been a Christian for over 20 years. I've been to church all my life. I've asked a lot of questions, and I've even (by the grace and mercy of Jesus) led a few people to the Lord. I've sung in churches, and taught lessons in church. But I don't think I've ever impacted anyone. Impressed? Maybe- but not impacted.

Life to impress is easy. All you need is to hold a title or two have the Christian lingo down pat and maybe even have the wardrobe and attitude to match. Have you ever been impressed? I'm sure with the short list of my Christian portfolio I looked a little impressive. But I'm telling you impressive is not our goal. (Phil. 2:3)

Even Jesus didn't try to impress anyone. He came to impact a world with truth, to set them free. He changed everything by defying what the world called impressive. He called the impressive hypocrites and the unimpressive saints. He impacted eternity. Paying for it with His life. He was willing to give it all for those He loved. (By the way that's you and me.)

That speaker, whoever he was, impacted my heart as a teenager. Not by the man, but by the words of truth that he spoke. The message he was willing to bring to a group of kids. He was a willing vessel.

Matt again has impacted my heart. Not so much the man, but the willingness to lay everything down for the sake of God's glory. Another willing vessel.

Impressive is nice for a moment. However, impressive does not gain rewards, satisfaction, or growth. It's shallow and meaningless.

Impact is hard. It demands a life of sacrifice. Willingness to be a used vessel, and not for yourself. And probably a lot of pain. But the rewards in heaven, the satisfaction of life in Jesus and the growth in the Spirit… what a powerful, joyous and humbling life that would be!

I already have the impressive down. I can only hope and pray that God would use me to impact even one life for eternity. What a humbling and exciting thought.

The question that was asked of a group of teenagers, many years ago was this: Which life are you living? A life to impress others for a moment, or a life to impact others for eternity?

What is your answer?

July 2005

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