Thursday, March 20, 2008

Truth & Lies

Lies- falsehoods, discrepancies, twisting of truth, fairytales, and the little white lie.

Lies are everywhere. They are in everything. In TV, news, books, playgrounds, offices, politics, bedrooms and in everyone's past. Lies are told everyday. I'm sure even every minute.

They are harmful, destructive, and deceitful. Not only to the person receiving the lie, but also to the person giving the lie.

How often we tell "little" lies to get us out of an uncomfortable jam. Tell me now… how often do those "little" lies stay little? How often does it turn around and bite us in the end?

The lie to ourselves is that "it's for the best". The lie is "that it won't hurt anyone". The lie is "that the truth is too hard".

I wonder if we treated our lives the way we do truth, what would life look like? Broken, disoriented, partial, and maybe even non-existent.

Truth is there to teach us, to show us the way to true wisdom, to understanding, to growth. Yet we treat it like the plague.

Truth- completeness, honesty, correction, evidence, gospel, straight forward, and right.

When I think of what truth is these are the words that come to my mind. Truth is complete it needs no additives. Truth is honest. It is what's used to teach me, it corrects me with guidelines of truth. Truth is all the evidence needed. Truth is the gospel, God's word. Truth is straight forward, aiming straight for the heart. And finally truth is right, never wrong.

When you want to know what is going on, you say you want the truth of the matter. When the judge is going for a verdict he's trying to find the truth in the evidence.

Truth is the foundation of existence. Without truth our lives could not exist.

For example: If you took the explanation of scientists and proved each of their theory's 100% true, then we'd have come from monkeys and blobs of cells that transformed into what we are today.

However, even the strongest evolutionist cannot prove their theory 100% true. In fact even they admit and some have even converted to creationism (or Intelligent design). The reason? Because the more that they look into science the more they prove that intelligent design is the only way that molecular structure could be the way that it is today.

Therefore, the truth of God's word, when it talks about the creation of man, is proven true. It is the foundation of our lives. Truth exists.

People have argued that there are no absolutes, so therefore truth cannot exist. So to them I have a couple of questions. Could they explain gravity? Could they tell me how the solar system works? How about the function and activity of our human bodies?

I'm sorry but the only answers to these questions are absolute answers. Proof again that truth exists.

Truth and lies, lies and truth. They both exist and because of sin, brought on by the fall of man (Gen. 3), they can exist in the same space. AKA my heart.

The heart is deceitful and desperately wicked, who can understand it. (Jer. 17:9) I have hidden God's word in my heart that I might not sin against God. (Ps. 119:11)

Truth and lies living together in my heart. This can cause confusion, pain and ultimately a desperate need for Jesus. I want so badly for truth to win out in my heart. But the lies are forever working to destroy me.

This past week as I was searching for God, I was asking for his presence to show up in my life. I wanted him to be amazing. I would have loved fireworks and a large banner.

But He showed up in words. The words of my friends. They spoke their heart in words. The words spoke of how wonderful I was, how loving and special I am. Words that to me sounded like lies.

I didn't see the truth in them, and I most certainly did not see God in them. These words actually depressed me. Because I thought that these people that I loved were lying to me.

Then God brought a shot of truth to my seeking heart. These words were not lies. This is the way that God sees me. These words were an expression of His mighty and powerful love for me. These words were not the lies.

The lies were words spoken to me in my past, which I have used as filters for all words since. These lies, that I believed, told me that I was ugly, useless, wrong and out of place- no matter where I was. These were careless words of people from my past. They, God revealed to me, were the lies that I needed to let go.

So much truth revealed so many lies. All of which is in my heart.

When one exposes lies they can have one of two reactions. One-you can blow the away and out of your life with truth and God's love. Or Two- You can expose them and never attack them with truth. So they stay put and never leave you.

You always have a choice when addressing lies. Are you going to allow lies to continue to rule your heart and invade your space? Or are you going to attack with the truth (all of the truth) and gain your territory back?

Truth is harder, riskier, and probably more painful up front. But in the long run those lies have the ability to ruin everything in you. Painlessly and deceptively eating away at your heart.

Truth in the long run is a healthy heart, a peaceful soul and a mind that is far beyond understanding. It stands up to lies. It defeats lies. I’m not sure which you are more comfortable with choosing. Even though I know it might be more painful right now, I'm choosing truth. May God speak truth forever more to my heart.

August 2005

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