Sunday, June 22, 2008


Webster’s dictionary-
Adequate: enough for what is required; sufficient; suitable

Adequate: Qualified because of Christ.

I find it amazing that we are found to be adequate in Christ. II Corinthians 3:5 reads: “Not that we are adequate in ourselves, to consider anything as coming from ourselves, but our adequacy is from God.”

Since I am in Christ- I have the adequacy to live this life. This may not seem like such a huge revelation for some. But for this people pleasing, goal oriented, success driven person- knowing that I in myself do not have to provide the adequacy- or even that I could. Well this to me, my friend, is life changing.

I no longer have to please people to be adequate. I no longer have to have the qualifications to fall in line. I no longer have to be the best at everything- because… I CAN’T. I am free to be me. The way that God made me. Freedom in Christ includes adequacy.

I have felt that if it all came from me, if I was responsible for the adequacy… life was over. But I have discovered that with Christ bearing that load- I cannot give up living. I cannot give up the lifestyle in Christ. I can however, give up life as a failure… because that is not who I am in Christ. I may not feel like it, but I am Adequate.

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