Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Wedding Bells- Matthew & Ashley

I hear wedding bells in the distance... sounding a great clanging in the air. Ring, ring, ring... the air is thick with celebration, hearts uniting as one, families once living separate lives are now joined together. Worlds collide with one another as this man takes this woman to be his wife.

Love is what He created, our heavenly Father, between these two characters who have lived their own lives til now. The stories of their walk bringing them to this place where they will take their bow. United in one factor- Their Father walking them here.

She started out innocent and sweet, he a true boy chasing after the next adventure scene. Dating and working, living and searching, until that fateful day when they meet. He knew right away, this was the girl for him. She thought he was on something wanting anything but him. Now today they stand before us, lining that stage with a great big chorus. People standing there supporting them, all because he knew she was the girl for him.

I've seen love in its various forms, like, dislike, family and all. I've seen romance and desire and lust on call. I've seen breakups and heartaches and learned lessons galore, that hope springs eternal in never wavers in its fiction. But love- true love, defined as agape, brings life and faith and trust that springs eternal forevermore.

I Corinthians 13 tells us what love is and what it isn't... and every wedding day it is read to us. If only we had it shown to us every day and every night from when we were an infant. This isn't a reading or a passage to ignore, or something at wedding which leads us to snore. This is a challenge for everyone- from married in days of old to single with life to unfold.

We are here to celebrate with these two precious people. We love them, are thrilled for them, wish them all the greatest. But my heart wants to remind them again. Romance is fabulous to spark anew, but love defined as agape is real and true.

Challenge each other, learn and grow closer still. Find the things you love and love the things you don't. Be faithful and true, show the goofy side too. For this isn't a test, a trial run or a quiz. You are hers and she is yours. Two becoming one flesh from this day forth.

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